Why We Need Public Official Bonds

Public officials, especially officials in positions of power, or in possession of sensitive information, are required to obtain a public official bond. This bond is essential for registration and licensing and is required to ensure that such officials do not exploit their position in an unfair manner. Public official bonds are required from public servants such as Federal, State and local officials, tax collectors, treasurer officials, court clerks, judges, mayors, public notaries and officers of the law.

To maintain public trust

Public trust is the single most important element of any government. Without it a democratic government cannot exist. Certain offices, such as Sheriff, Mayor, or Judge, are greater than the people occupying them. Maintaining the trust of officials filling those positions is critical to continuing to conduct business with the general public. The public official bond ensures that a public official will act with due diligence, thereby maintaining the trust in the position.

To protect against dishonest conduct

An essential condition of the public official bond is to ensure that people occupying public office will not abuse their position for private gain. Dishonest, disingenuous or deceptive behaviors, such as accepting bribes, demonstrating selective preferences or exerting undue influence can harm public interests and erode public trust.

To protect against misuse of power

Certain public officials hold tremendous positions of trust, such as tax collectors and law enforcement officers. Without bonds, such personnel can easily misuse their power. Under the bond, they are strictly forbidden from misusing the power entrusted to them by their position.

To ensure dutiful conduct

A government and a collective society operates efficiently when persons in authority conduct themselves with civility, respect and diplomacy. By imposing penalties on misconduct, the public bond ensures that public servants maintain a standard of ethics and respect for the general public.

To reduce the liability of the State

A public official bond is purchased by the official, not the State. In a case of misconduct, the complaint is levied against the public official bond. In this manner, the State reduces its own liability.

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