Renew Your Notary Public License

The rules and regulations to obtain a notary public license differ from one state to another. Typically, the term of a notary public commission is 4 years and most states send a renewal notice between 3 to 6 months before expiration.

To renew your notary license, fill out the renewal form. You will find the renewal process simpler than applying for a new notary license. Usually, all the required paper work comes in the mail, but you can also download it if required from the website of secretary of states.

The most important part of renewing the notary license is to submit proof of a renewed notary bond. Renewing your notary bond is the most expensive part of the license renewal process. Get a surety bond quote online from any online surety company and get your notary bond renewed.

You can either send the bond renewal form along with the notary commission renewal form or you can also send the bond documents separately after getting bonded.

As your notary seal also contains the expiration date of the notary commission, it is recommended to purchase a new seal or stamp to be an effective notary. You can buy a new notary seal in a single transaction.

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